Thursday 22 May 2014

How does Social Media Monitoring matters?

Social Media Monitoring - Sentiment Analysis - iSolve Technologies
As we know that Social Media or Social Media Networking sites are on the high, it has become important for Enterprises to monitor Social Media Channels (blogs, news, wikis, micro - sites, forums, message boards actively in order to gather valuable information which determines the Sentiments of online conversation about the brand or Topic of high interest.
Now the process of monitoring the conversations which goes behind the scene is accomplished with the help of application / software normally referred as Social Media Monitoring or Management software. These softwares which takes the help of API’s provided by respective Social networking sites has got the following capabilities.

·         Gives user the insight about the Brands overall visibility (Conversations)
·         Identify opportunities for engagement
·         Monitor Competitors activities
·         Track the impact of campaigns

But sometimes it becomes difficult to monitor on some platforms due to Privacy settings & its updates.

Now where is the Sentiment?
Well sentiments are the mentions in the Social Media about Brands and these mentions can be Positive, Negative or Neutral. The Analysis of Sentiment is also termed as Opinion Mining or Voice of the Customer and this analysis is done by measuring the attitude towards the specific topic. Like opinion, sentiment changes from person to person and it is very tedious & complicated task to mine huge amount of data for Sentiment analysis. As the person’s sentiment changes according to time, individual’s mood and happenings, it is very important to look at data from standpoint of time. 

Sentiment Analysis: Apart from Business
Since there is an increase in possibility of analyzing social media as a useful data gathering method for business, some people claim that the Sentiment Analysis methodology can be used to monitor Electoral Campaign which in turn can produce forecast on the results. By framing a proper methodology and supervision the voting intention of Twitter users in the United States (for 2012 Presidential election) & India (for 2014 Prime Minister Election) were monitored.

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