Friday, 30 May 2014

A new innovation in Telecom Industry

iFlow : In the field of Telecom Business managing the Customer Acquisition Form is one of the challenging task. To meet this iSolve Technologies has got all new enhanced Enterprise Compliance Solutions called iFlow which is a Saas based mobile application which run on android. Check out the video for more detail.

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Growth of Press Clipping

The Media Monitoring which involves the process of reading, watching or listening to the editorial content of media sources on a regular basis, and then, identifying, saving and analyzing content that contains specific keywords or topics has become a widely used key tool for fields such as  Public Relations, Competitive intelligence , Marketing and many more. Since it has become mandatory to manage competitor’s competition and have better understanding on brand reputation many companies have started utilizing the power of Media Monitoring to large extent. This process in not only restricted to Print Media but with the help of technological growth it is now possible to monitor various media such as online media, social media where the process starts with users search terms.

Friday, 23 May 2014

3D Printed Food ?

It is a known fact that the development of 3D Printing technology & printers plays an important role in creating applications for fields such as Aerospace, Medical, Industrial design, fashion, footwear, jewellery, food and many other industries.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

How does Social Media Monitoring matters?

Social Media Monitoring - Sentiment Analysis - iSolve Technologies
As we know that Social Media or Social Media Networking sites are on the high, it has become important for Enterprises to monitor Social Media Channels (blogs, news, wikis, micro - sites, forums, message boards actively in order to gather valuable information which determines the Sentiments of online conversation about the brand or Topic of high interest.

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Print & Social Media Monitoring

Media Monitoring which involves the process of monitoring the output media such as Print, Online & other broadcasts plays a vital role. With the growth of broadcasting Technology, Print Media Monitoring Agencies started to expand their services into the monitoring of these broadcast media, and this task is supported by the development of commercial audio and video tape recording systems.